animals are raised to be eaten

you argue that it is permissible to kill animals if they are raised for food

This idea that animals are raised to be eaten ignores the moral and ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of animals in the food industry. Many animals that are raised for food are subjected to inhumane conditions, including cramped and dirty living quarters, lack of access to fresh air and sunlight, and painful procedures like tail docking and dehorning and castrating, often they have their throats slit while they are still conscious. Many animals have complex social, emotional, and cognitive abilities, and there is no evidence to suggest that they are "meant" to be raised for food.

Causing animals pain while raising them for food when there are readily available alternatives is wrong. Common motivations such as "meat tastes good" or the misbelief that "meat is healthy" cannot justify the harm we inflict on farmed animals. Consider a cannibal that likes the taste of the human flesh. Would it be permissible to raise and kill people for food just because some may like how people taste?
